This project was completed after taking the "Master Procedural Maze & Dungeon Generation" Udemy course by Penny de Byl.

My WIFI router failed me for 4 days and since I had finished this course a few days ago, I thought I would challenge myself to create this showcase of what I learnt without any access to the internet. It was really difficult to do so without being able to refer to any documentation or source material but creating this from my notes alone helped me to revise and cement the subject matter.

The application was created in 24 hours and uses only the standard Unity assets and primitives. (I wasn't able to access the Package Manager)

I saved data using Player prefs to serialise the slider data.

Music: Zayd Carelse - It's Always the Bells (Ableton Live 10)
Unity (C#): Zayd Carelse

If you would like to request the code for this project, contact me:
My portfolio website:

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